Lizzy in her best volleyball stance.
Tuesday and Thursday nights are volleyball nights in the Sartin household. We go down to Golds Gym here in town to play volleyball for a few hours. It's been a lot of fun just playing and making some new friends, its usually a lot of the same people that show up so its been cool to meet some new people. Tonight was a solid game and I got my jump serve going pretty good. There is quite the mix of players down there from really good to really really bad, some nights its a little frustrating and other nights its really great volleyball but either way we try to have fun. The ceiling is pretty low in the gym so it really makes you a more acurate quick passer because if not then its going off the rafters (which we play off of by the way haha) There is always a lot of laughs and poking fun of each other which really makes volleyball nights a lot of fun. It's funny, I have always enjoyed playing volleyball with Tyler and Jaclyn growing up but have really grown to love the game. I am tossing around the idea of putting on a tournament here in the tri-cities this summer. Something similiar to Spike and Dig (huge outdoor tournament in Spokane) except I would like to be able to host it down in the park right on the river which would just be awesome, if anybody knows anything about putting on a v-ball tournament feel free to give me some advice, I wouldn't want to make any money off the deal just enough to cover the expenses and the rest would go to some sort of charity. Right now this is just a thought in my head but im thinking if I want to make it happen I need to start putting it into action some time soon. Hope everyone else had a fun night and I will back tomorrow to continue the 30 day picture challenge. Goodnight and God bless!
I think those two people you mentioned playing with growing up might know a thing or two! ;) I would be happy to help in any way I can - and actually, my dad was trying to organize an indoor 4s tourney this winter, but the insurance cost sunk that idea pretty quick.